Monday, February 6, 2012

Unprofessionalism @ Work

Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law, especially the law of being professional at work.

Besides the obvious risk of disciplinary actions being taken, if you behave unprofessionally at work, you also risk losing your employment.

Unprofessionalism won't just impact your current job, it has the potential to impact your entire career. Unprofessionalism can seriously damage your reputation. We live in a world where people talk, people network, people switch jobs and companies. Don't fool yourself into thinking that what happens at your company, stays at your company. It doesn't.

The repercussions of Unprofessionalism see no title. No matter your title and/or position, if you behave unprofessionally at work, you risk the same repercussions as everyone else, up to and including termination.

Avoid being unprofessional at work and avoid the risk of being terminated, the risk of being denied a raise/promotion, the risk of losing respect and the risk of damaging your future career prospects and progression.

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